Friday, October 14, 2005

Daddy's Wishing Me A Very Happy Birthday

I’m turning 21 now. Older… hopefully wiser too! But still, I’m feeling sad inside, sad and empty. He’s not here anymore… wishing me a happy birthday, giving me a warm hug and kiss, showering me with his gifts… I need him, really!!! I need him here, right beside me, watching me, his daughter, growing up.

I’m sad, but I’m happy too, Dad. Cuz my friends are there to wish me happy birthday, in a very magnificent way. I’m happy to have them beside me… but still, this emptiness bothering me a lot inside. I want to cry but, maybe it’s not the appropriate way to show them what I’m feeling. So I just do the reaction formation, smiling and laughing. I’m so happy, really… outside…

Daddy, are you wishing me happy birthday from up there? Hope so, still hoping so…

Daddy, are you missing me up there? Hope so, still hoping so…

But you should know, Dad… I miss you a lot down here!!!!


At 8:44 AM, Blogger Aurora said...

Wahhh loe juga 21 Gung? Yeah, sekarang gue bisa keluar masuk "tempat" mana aja yang gue mau... Hohoho...

At 8:48 AM, Blogger oyaa said...

au , percaya de pasti bokap lo dari atas sana selalu ngedoain lo dan selalu inget sama lo...
sekali lagi happy bday ya neng au, smoga cepat lulus dan kita bersama2 melanjutkan S2 di tempat yg kita inginkan..amiiien..hohoho..aylafyuuu

At 8:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hiks.. terharu...
i'm sure he's still watching you..
loving you, missing you from There..
now be a good girl, don't forget to pray for him always...

wait for me...
gonna catcha!

At 1:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Au, should i posting my comment ???

karena hampir semua yg mau gw tulis disini pasti udah pernah loe denger di YM, so just be happy with all the things happened coz God is preparing something beautiful for u

cayo cayo Au


peace n out

At 2:32 AM, Blogger Aurora said...

Yes yes yes, I'm happy... surrounded by friends like you all... You are so larger than life...

At 8:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Au ah mau bicara apa ya. Yang gw tulis td udah ilang duluan sebelum di posting karena salah klik :<,
tapi ya intinya lo bahagia2 aja klo gw dilihat, ya itu mungkin dari luar tapi dalamnya gw ma kaga tau.

Gw mau kasi lo tantangan, coba lo ngelist temen2 (include keluarga) lo dan lo itung, seberapa banyak yang lo punya. Gw pernah melakukannya dan gw merasa kecewa dengan umur gw sekarang karena daftar yang ada nggak nyampe 500an, tapi kayaknya lo punya banyak jadi lo bisa happy. hehehe

Happy b'day ya, sory klo kmr nggak sms. Gw betul 100x lupaaaaaaaa.hehehe. tapi gw nggak lp klo punya tmn kayak lo kok,hehehe

and thanks 4 excelso. even it is a hard coffee

At 1:33 AM, Blogger ~ JNZ ~ said...

he's missing u, he's watching u, he's wishing u a wonderful birthday, he's sending u his warmest hugs n kisses, he's in ur heart baby girl!

and by all, dia pun memeluk hatimu, bahkan tanpa dipinta...

At 11:56 AM, Blogger [dianikarini] said...

tuaan mana sama gue, u? ;)


At 7:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Au happy belated birthday,, maap telat,, wish u all d best,, semoga Tuhan selalu melindungimyu,, Au,seorang ayah dimanapun beliau berada pasti selalu mendoakan yang terbaik untuk anaknya,,, i bet your father must be very grateful having beautiful daughter like you,, Au yang selalu mendoakan dan menyimpan Ayahnya dihatinya,, happy bDay..

At 11:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

t'nyt org kyk loe bs bkn org t'haru jg ya...hix...yg pasti, beliau dengerin smua koq. di mana pun ke manapun loe berada, di situlah beliau menjejakkan cintanya di hati loe...

At 2:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


juz wanna say wish u all the best..

gw percaya klo BELIAU akan selalu mendoakan dan memperhatikan lo..

all u got to do is finishing HIS job, yaitu dengan nunjukkin kemampuan lo yang TERBAIK di sgala bidang yang akan lo tekunin nanti..

once again,
wish u all d best, u

one of ur friend


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